Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Partner, My Love and My Friend -- My Rock

Somewhere in between January 5th and January 6th Balthier and I partnered. I say somewhere in between those dates because of the time difference between us. He had just gotten up for his day and I had not yet gone to bed. I had logged out of world because I was bored and he popped up on yahoo with a smile and said "check your profile". Of course I logged in immediately....but not before I fell over with excitement.

Partnering in a world like SL might be silly to some, and especially silly to someone that has never visited SL..... and yes, partnering seemed a silly idea to Balthier and I until we became so close. Since April of last year Balthier has been my friend. He has listened patiently as I talked about my troubles and I have listened to him talk about his too. What more could one ask for in a partner? He is my rock.

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