Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Passing the time with friends.....

I popped over to visit Vetherian and show him this new AO that I got. I'm not going to say who made it because it's a really good maker......but this particular one that I got is just so NOT ME.......I call it 'Girl On Quaaludes' because when I'm standing still it has me walking around in circles and playing with imaginary flying things....kind of like a kid poking at dust floating in sunbeams....... Perfect AO for a fae, I guess.

Vetherian is quite amused with my special 'battle pillow'....it is an actual SpellFire weapon that really packs a punch......I think the hits from it register the same as a broadsword. It's kind of hard to see the pillow in these shots though. Someone needs to have a word with the photographer......

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